We are now Cloudera certified!


We are pleased to announce that Unravel is now Cloudera certified. This marks an important milestone in our continued partnership with Cloudera, underpinned by a growing demand among Cloudera users for our full-stack Big Data performance intelligence platform.

The certification ensures that Unravel is integrated seamlessly with Cloudera Enterprise 5, providing customers with an intelligent platform to improve the reliability and performance of their Big Data applications and optimize overall cluster resource usage.

Deploying Unravel on a Cloudera Enterprise 5 cluster is a simple two-step process:

Step 1: Deploy Unravel Server on a Gateway machine (can be provisioned via Cloudera Manager) which connects to relevant services like YARN, Hive, Oozie, Spark etc., and enables access to the Unravel Web UI.

Above: Unravel Server situated alongside another Gateway host of a Hadoop cluster

Step 2: Deploy Unravel Sensors (for Hive and Spark) as a Cloudera Manager Parcel. Please note that the sensors are simply jar files (that provide additional metadata on Hive and Spark applications) and do not run as root on the deployed machines.

Above: Unravel Sensors for additional metadata on applications

Unravel now also works smoothly on Cloudera environments with Kerberos, Apache Sentry, encryption and other security configurations enabled. In our experience, getting Unravel up and running on Cloudera environments doesn’t take more than a couple of hours, even for large scale clusters greater than 100+ nodes.

Give Unravel a try to see how we can optimize your Big Data applications! Sign up here for a free 30 day trial.
