Analyze 2017-05-08T13:27:51+00:00

Analyze Big Data Application Performance

Know everything about the performance of your big data stack

Full-stack information and insights

Unravel is the only full-stack Application Performance Management tool for big data:

  • Unravel gathers data from all layers – infrastructure to applications
  • Unravel supports all big data platforms – Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, Kafka, Impala, etc.

More simply it means it’s the only tool you will need to plan, resolve, and manage application performance for big data.

Accurate Chargeback

Unravel can accurately assign usage costs to users, business groups, application types and more. It will also track usage across multiple clusters in one place whether you’re deployed on-premise, in the cloud or hybrid.

Cost savings reports

Do more with less. Unravel can show you how you can lower costs by running applications more efficiently, improving throughput by allocating resources intelligently and eliminating resource wasting data and applications from the cluster.

Auditing and Governance

Unravel tracks all data usage and access information. Which means you can easily see which user and application touched which table, which tables are not being used and just taking up space, and which department takes up most space on the cluster.

Smart alerts, dashboards and reports

Unravel gives your big data operations team a central control cockpit to analyze performance proactively and with a complete view:

  • Ops dashboard – bird’s eye view on health and performance of the entire stack
  • Reports – usage and access reports by users, applications, queues and clusters
  • Smart alerts – Smart alerts use machine learning to understand your cluster usage to make sure it catches problems accurately while making sure you do not get flooded with wrong alerts
  • API – Unravel’s flexible API is designed to maximize your integrations with your favorite tools such as Nagios, Pagerduty, JIRA, Slack, HipChat and more to send and receive events, notifications, alerts and tags

The simplest way to analyze the performance of the full big data stack